To start the project off, we were given links to videos that'd teach us some key aspects behind abstract art, including notable artists. Additionally, we were assigned a quiz based on some of these videos so we could show our understanding of them.
Some of the questions were easier to answer than others - some of the answers...



Tore Rinkveld, better known as Evol, is a German artist. His artwork simplifies buildings into basic recognisable features. He paints on a variety of public surfaces, usually opting to create homes on the surfaces of graffitied electrical boxes and concrete planters. His studio work focuses on transforming reclaimed cardboard into buildings.

Jem Southam


Jem Southam is a British landscape photographer, best known for his documentation of locations. He spends photographing the various changes in an individual environment, returning to the location over a period time. He's able to capture the subtle changes that happen over a period of time.

New Topographics: Photos of a Man-Altered Landscape was an exhibition curated by William Jenkins. It featured ten different photographer's works, each of them being represented by ten prints. It was open to the public from October 1975 until February 1976. This exhibition was a key moment in American landscape photography. Various photographers...

Jim Goldberg


Jim Goldberg, born June 3rd, 1953, is an American photographer best known for his collaborations with those on social outskirts. His projects focus on the lives of those who are typically unheard and ignored, such as the elderly and the homeless.



Although best known for his stencil work, Banksy doesn't just stick to walls. He's had various exhibitions and separate projects, which not only feature his art, but also help to educate on more serious matters. Here's a couple of those projects:

Edward Ruscha is an American artist, arguably best known for his "Standard Station" piece. The image is a screen print, based on a photo he took while driving. He reused the screens to experiment further, and created additional versions. Even though I didn't particularly like Ruscha's work at first glance, I found that the minimalism grew on me,...

Urban environments aren't fun, to put it bluntly. When I think "urban", I think of a sense of dullness, like grey buildings, and concrete. Likewise, when you think of graffiti, you default to the negative connotations - whether it's violence, gangs, or simply recognition of it being vandalism. Then, I discovered "yarn bombing".

Jim Butler is a Cambridge based Irish artist. The majority of his work revolves around collage, drawing and printmaking. He's inspired by urban environments, and creates artwork in plein air using a combination of ink and collage.

James Gurney is an American artist and author, best known for his "Dinotopia" series. While he specialises in realistic depictions of dinosaurs and ancient civilisations, in his free time Gurney paints landscapes using gouache in plein air. Having found his YouTube channel, where he uploads the processes of some of these studies, I felt inspired to...

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