Antony Gormley (+ Pastiches)


Sir Antony Gormley is a British sculptor, best known for his public installations. At the start of this project, I had been suggested to look at his piece, Bed, as a potential source of inspiration.

I didn't want to do the exact same thing, mostly because I didn't want to eat so much bread. Instead, I chose to simply press down into the bread to create imprints of the objects. I used this as a chance to incorporate some of the word play links to bread ("let's get this bread!" / "dough" referring to money) and toast (the ritual, and toasting bread). I created all of my imprints before toasting the slices of bread to see how it looked.

I think that this experiment was really fun to do as it can be surprising to see what gets picked up or not - for example, I had expected the stem of the wine glass to have pushed in at least a little. My favourite result would definitely be the hand because the difference between the imprint shadow and the toasted version is really interesting. I think that, if I were to extend upon this (not that I think it's necessary), I would try to press the same objects into a pre-toasted slice to see how that'd look in comparison to the results I already have.

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