Eiko Mori ( + Pastiches )


Eiko Mori is a Japanese food stylist. I found her bread / toast designs to be really cute. The designs vary from simple patterns of little drawings of fruits, to more complicated designs, like an edible version of Banksy's famous "Girl With Balloon". A lot of Mori's work can be found on her Instagram

I made two different designs of Mori inspired toast. Here's how they went:

  1. The first design I created was inspired by Mori's fruit patterns. I wanted to do the same, except using the flavour of the fruit I drew. Eventually, I settled on strawberries. I simply drew out the shapes using jam, and used some cut up Hario sweets to create the green, leafy tops.
    My design doesn't pop quite as much as Mori's does, and that's down to the spread. I used normal butter, which melted into the bread and gave a toasty-yellow background. Mori, on the other hand, uses a homemade mayo, which gives a brighter, more crisp background to work on. 
    I think that, even though it's not as clear as Mori's work, it is still an incredibly cute and easy way to cheer up a boring slice of toast. I really like the design, but I'd definitely use a piping bag if I redid it. That way, my strawberries would come out looking much more uniform.
  2. The second one came to mind when I saw a design of Mori's that featured music notes- why not write some lyrics onto toast? And no song is more fitting than Toast, by Streetband!
    I used a little tube of premade icing to write out the lyric "I thought, oh yeah, I'll have TOAST" onto the slice of toasted bread. It wasn't as easy as I'd thought, as the icing didn't want to adhere to the bread. I do think the design turned out okay as a fun little reference to the song, even if it's not the most complicated or the neatest. If possible, I'd definitely use a smaller nozzle to try get cleaner letters.

If I were to redo my Eiko Mori pastiches, I'd like to try one of the more complicated designs to see how far I could push my skills. 

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