As with most of the artists I've looked at in this project, I stumbled upon the Toast Henge photos and traced them back to the photographer Tasos Gaitanos. Instantly, I knew I wanted to create my own version.



I spent my first week "back at college" tying up all of those loose ends in the front of my sketchbook, which caught me up to date where I wanted to be. I made sure to watch the videos we were provided, which turned out to be really useful as it gave me a new idea I could explore. I also began working on a pastiche for a new artist, Tasos Gaitanos....

Video Notes


Our teachers had provided us some links to videos that were relevant to the Object Sustained project. These videos were meant to help "explain" the project, and show how other artists incorporate normal objects into their work. The videos are linked below, and I've written a short description for each of them.



Unfortunately, this Evaluation counted for the entirety of the Christmas break. I really struggled to keep up with my usual pace as a result of both the festivities, and a recent death in the family. While I did manage to get some work done, it didn't match up to the amount I'd aimed for.



As a week had passed, it was time to do another evaluation. Overall, I was pretty happy with how things were beginning to develop; I had just begun filling in the previous gaps in my sketchbook (specifically the embroidery and the Eiko Mori pastiches). I was also beginning to get some new ideas.

Whilst trying to find some photography that'd relate to this project, I stumbled upon this article about the work of Hugh Turvey. Whilst the main focus of it is to talk about / advertise his app, it introduced me to his Xograms.



Each week, we're supposed to do an evaluation of the work we've completed. This allows us to not only reflect on the work we've done as an overall, but it also allows us to think about and plan the next week.

Eiko Mori is a Japanese food stylist. I found her bread / toast designs to be really cute. The designs vary from simple patterns of little drawings of fruits, to more complicated designs, like an edible version of Banksy's famous "Girl With Balloon". A lot of Mori's work can be found on her Instagram.

To find some artists, I simply used Google Images to search for "toaster related art" or "art made from toast". I was able to find pictures of art that was relevant, and use those to trace down the names. The first group of artists I found were The Toasters.

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