In order to "get to know" the toaster, I started off with the two most basic ideas I could think of - research, and some quick studies.

The new project I'm beginning is called "Object Sustained". The overall goal is to be able to develop ideas and create artwork inspired by a random object.

Adding Origami


Up until this point, I hadn't got any idea on where to take the garment in terms of actual design. Aside from the general shape, I wasn't sure what colours or shapes I'd use to make the design look interesting. We were suggested to perhaps include things like pleats, ruffles or origami.

With the general garment design settled on (obviously, there'll be changes during the production process), it was time to begin visualising it as something wearable, as opposed to a 2D sketch. In order to "convert" the drawing into an outfit, I'd have to get an idea of where elements would fall on the body.

As previously mentioned, we created some cardboard collagraphs to incorporate in later work. The designs made during that session feature within these sculptures. I photocopied my designs in black and white (which was my preference, I could've used it in colour if I wanted). The paper version of my designs got cut up and applied to at least...

For fashion and textiles, the overall aim is to produce a wearable garment based upon some of our initial designs. So, how would we go about doing that?



Collagraphy is a type of printmaking process, in which a textured surface is used to create prints. Different textures will naturally hold different amounts of ink, and therefore will produce different results.

The Rorschach Inkblot test is a popular test created by the swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. The test featured ten inkblots, which the subject would have to look at and describe what they saw. Although the test was originally meant to help diagnose schizophrenia, it became a popular belief that your answers would reveal things about you. As an...

Piet Mondrian is quite possibly one of the best known abstract artists. Though I couldn't initially put a name to it, one of the first things I thought of when I heard "abstract" was his style, with it's notable geometric design and minimalistic use of colour.



Time for something a little different... To stray from the previous work, it's time to experiment with art that's less "realistic". The time for clear depictions is over (for now)! It's the start of a new topic- abstraction.

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